Summit Sounds School of the Arts exists to equip and train the next generation in worship expression. Writing and releasing our own worship is one of the main mandates of Summit Sounds. As generations change, so does the sound for that generation. We want to equip those who feel called to express themselves in worship music from songwriting to playing instruments to singing. In our school, you will learn how to cultivate a relationship with God and learn the basics of worship and how to express it. From devotions and prayer, to scales and notes, our time with each student is mentorship, not just a lesson. We believe through these lessons and classes, we are raising up a generation to write and release worship that will touch their generation for years to come!
A 3-month intensive for all current and aspiring worship leaders. This track combines music and vocal lessons with worship-leading classes, and the opportunity to participate in worship experiences. 2 age levels to choose from!
Looking to hone your vocal or piano skills to lead worship more effectively? Choose from group or individual options, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.